How old was Odeya Rush in the movie Let It Snow?

Odeya Rush was 21 in Let It Snow when she played the character 'Addie'.

That was over 5 years ago in 2019.

Today she is 27, and has starred in 21 movies in total, 3 of those since Let It Snow was released.

How old do you think she looks in the movie?

In Let It Snow, I think Odeya Rush looks:

Did you know?

  • Director Luke Snellin has worked with Odeya Rush just once in her career.
  • Odeya Rush's first movie was as 'Beth' in Wild Birds, released in 2010 when she was 11
  • Let It Snow scores 6.1 out of 10 on TMDB.

The cast of Let It Snow

Odeya Rush's other movies