How old was Karoline Herfurth in her first movie: Crazy?

Karoline Herfurth was 15 in Crazy when she played the character 'Anna'.

That was over 24 years ago in 2000.

This was her first recorded movie acting credit (although may not technically be her first actual acting role).

Today she is 40, and has starred in 40 movies in total, 39 of those since Crazy was released.

How old do you think she looks in the movie?

In Crazy, I think Karoline Herfurth looks:

Did you know?

  • Director Hans-Christian Schmid has worked with Karoline Herfurth just once in her career.
  • Karoline Herfurth's first movie was as 'Anna' in Crazy, released in 2000 when she was 15
  • Crazy scores 6.25 out of 10 on TMDB.

Karoline Herfurth's other movies