How old was Ron Livingston in the movie The End of the Tour?

Ron Livingston was 47 in The End of the Tour when he played the character 'David Lipsky's Editor'.

That was over 9 years ago in 2015.

Today he is 57, and has starred in 65 movies in total, 18 of those since The End of the Tour was released.

How old do you think he looks in the movie?

In The End of the Tour, I think Ron Livingston looks:

Did you know?

  • Director James Ponsoldt has worked with Ron Livingston just once in his career.
  • Ron Livingston's first movie was as 'Soldier' in Straight Talk, released in 1992 when he was 23
  • The End of the Tour scores 7.1 out of 10 on TMDB.

The cast of The End of the Tour

Ron Livingston's other movies