How old was Clint Eastwood in the movie Sudden Impact?

Clint Eastwood was 52 in Sudden Impact when he played the character 'Insp. Harry Callahan'.

That was over 40 years ago in 1983.

Today he is 94, and has starred in 146 movies in total, 98 of those since Sudden Impact was released.

How old do you think he looks in the movie?

In Sudden Impact, I think Clint Eastwood looks:

Did you know?

  • Clint Eastwood also directed Sudden Impact. In fact, they've 'directed' themselves in 35 movies so far.
  • Clint Eastwood's first movie was as 'Jennings' in Revenge of the Creature, released in 1955 when he was 23
  • Sudden Impact scores 6.55 out of 10 on TMDB.

The cast of Sudden Impact

Clint Eastwood's other movies