Profile picture of Paul Giamatti
Profile picture of Paul Giamatti
Profile picture of Paul Giamatti
Profile picture of Paul Giamatti
Profile picture of Paul Giamatti
Profile picture of Paul Giamatti

How old is Paul Giamatti? His biography and filmography


June 6th, 1967 (56 years old)

Birth location

New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Acting credits

Starred in 100 movies


Paul Edward Valentine Giamatti (born June 6, 1967) is an American actor. Giamatti began his career as a supporting actor in several commercially successful and critically acclaimed films produced during the 1990s including Private Parts, The Truman Show, Saving Private Ryan, The Negotiator, and Man on the Moon, before earning lead roles in several projects in the 2000s including American Splendor, Sideways, Cinderella Man, The Illusionist, John Adams, Cold Souls, and Barney's Version.

Paul Giamatti's filmography

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