Profile picture of Richard Schiff
Profile picture of Richard Schiff
Profile picture of Richard Schiff
Profile picture of Richard Schiff
Profile picture of Richard Schiff
Profile picture of Richard Schiff
Profile picture of Richard Schiff
Profile picture of Richard Schiff

How old is Richard Schiff? His biography and filmography


May 27th, 1955 (68 years old)

Birth location

Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Acting credits

Starred in 78 movies


Richard Schiff (born May 27, 1955) is an American actor. He is best known for playing Toby Ziegler on the NBC television drama The West Wing, a role for which he received an Emmy Award. Schiff made his directorial debut with The West Wing, directing an episode entitled "Talking Points."

Richard Schiff's filmography

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