Profile picture of Fred Armisen
Profile picture of Fred Armisen
Profile picture of Fred Armisen
Profile picture of Fred Armisen

How old is Fred Armisen? His biography and filmography


December 4th, 1966 (57 years old)

Birth location

Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA

Acting credits

Starred in 89 movies


Alfredo "Fred" Armisen (born December 4, 1966) is an American actor, comedian and musician best known for his work as a cast member on Saturday Night Live, and portraying off-color foreigners in various comedy films such as EuroTrip, Cop Out or Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. With Carrie Brownstein, he is the co-creator and co-star of the IFC sketch series Portlandia.

He also recently voices Speedy Gonzales in The Looney Tunes Show on Cartoon Network.

Fred Armisen's filmography

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