How old was Martin Landau in the movie North by Northwest?

Martin Landau was 30 in North by Northwest when he played the character 'Leonard'.

That was over 65 years ago in 1959.

In 2017 he died aged 89, starring in 127 films in his career, 125 of those after North by Northwest was first released. If he were alive today he would be 96.

How old do you think he looks in the movie?

In North by Northwest, I think Martin Landau looks:

Did you know?

  • Director Alfred Hitchcock has worked with Martin Landau just once in his career.
  • Martin Landau's first movie was as 'Lt. Marshall' in Pork Chop Hill, released in 1959 when he was 29
  • North by Northwest scores 8 out of 10 on TMDB.

The cast of North by Northwest

Martin Landau's other movies