How old was Edward Norton in the movie Motherless Brooklyn?

Edward Norton was 49 in Motherless Brooklyn when he played the character 'Lionel Essrog'.

That was over 5 years ago in 2019.

Today he is 54, and has starred in 52 movies in total, 5 of those since Motherless Brooklyn was released.

How old do you think he looks in the movie?

In Motherless Brooklyn, I think Edward Norton looks:

Did you know?

  • Edward Norton also directed Motherless Brooklyn. In fact, they've 'directed' themselves in 6 movies so far.
  • Edward Norton's first movie was as 'Aaron Stampler' in Primal Fear, released in 1996 when he was 25
  • Motherless Brooklyn scores 6.72 out of 10 on TMDB.

The cast of Motherless Brooklyn

Edward Norton's other movies